Swag Ideas

The Hottest Swag at HubSpot’s Inbound 2024

Without a doubt, conferences and trade shows have become the place to go to get inspired for unique company swag ideas. What once used to be notorious for having boring, overdone swag, has turned into a world filled with unique swag. We sent our team to get the inside scoop on all of the hottest swag at one of B2B SaaS’s largest conferences of the year.

One-Size Apparel

Socks, hats and other accessories have always been something that people tend to gravitate towards when creating and buying swag. They can fit almost any budget and not having to worry about specific sizing makes them easier to manage when gifting. We were not surprised to see many booths giving away these one size fit all items, but we were pleasantly surprised by their execution!

Oftentimes, these accessories are known for getting their company logo slapped onto them and not much else. This year, we noticed a large increase in the accessories that had more than just their logo, which is what we LOVE to see! Adding a funny or relatable saying that is relevant to your brand.

Culturally Relevant Swag

Now more than ever, brands are really aligning with cultural trends and using them to tap into larger audiences or relate to their audience on a deeper level. We have seen Pickleball rise to fame over the past few years and become the sport that everyone is now playing, so branding a Pickleball set is a cool, unique gift that many people want to get. Similarly, playing off of trends on social media has become a great way to make your swag more appealing. These brat summer ABM shirts are trendy and bound to catch some attention.


Eco-Conscious swag is always relevant in our eyes and if you can make swag that has a larger purpose behind it, you should. Giving away swag that people know won’t be ending up in a landfill or is giving back in some way or another is going to make people respect your brand that much more.

Gamified Swag

You don’t need to have a huge budget for swag! In fact, a lot of the most creative swag we see is from brands trying to utilize their smaller budgets most effectively. Gamifying the swag at your booth is a great way to have really cool, high end swag without having to spend a fortune. Prompt people to enter a raffle, play a game, or find another way to win swag means you only need a few pieces of swag, but you will get a lot of attention.

Travel Necessities

When traveling to conferences and trade shows, you are bound to forget something, so giving out swag with those travel essentials is really helpful for people to keep in their bag and grab throughout their trip. Things like hand sanitizers, Tide to-go pens and breath mints can never go wrong!

There are so many ways to get the most out of swag that your team brings to an event. If you need an extra hand, we are always here to help you find what works best for your brand!

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